
Top 10 things to do 4 weeks prior to your LPL LYOL Cruise Retreat

  Top 10 things to do 4 weeks prior to Live Your Optimal Life RETREAT! You have made the decision to prioritize yourself and to spend time focusing on life BALANCE, compassionate BOUNDARIES, BEAUTY of life and living a more BRILLIANT life. You recognize the benefits of doing this kind of work for all women in business. Congrats on choosing you. The hard part is over; Now it’s time to get ready for the LYOL cruise retreat! Getting ready for your retreat can be tons of fun! There is lots that you can do now to make your retreat even better; and of course, the anticipation can be truly enjoyable. Here are my top ten suggestions for things to do when you are 4 weeks away from your sail date, plus a few bonus tips, because who doesn’t love a great bonus?  At the end will you weigh in? What are the tips you agree with? What tips do you have that we haven’t included? Please do leave a comment. 1. Check your travel documents and passports asap! Make sure all is up to date. Check your trave

Exactly how do you use Self Appreciation to grow your business?

  Click for  SelfLove Video #3 Today we share the framework (practical steps,) for transforming your life through Self Appreciation. And Gail Petrowsky our special guest shares NINE journal prompts to get you started on your implementation journey! Please will you watch along? I’m excited to share that we are close to wrapping up planning for our long-awaited next Ladies Power Lunch Retreat! I’m looking forward to sharing the details with you on TUESDAY!! Thanks to everyone who gave feedback. Your input is helping us plan the best retreat that will be most impactful and beneficial for you. One more thing: Here are the promised Questions/Journal Prompts (We promised in video #3,) to help you transform your life Balance and compassionate Boundaries. I invite you to answer them in the worksheet. If you do, Gail and I will be happy to explore this with you further in a free VIP setting! Thank you again for your input. The journaling prompts link:

Why is taking care of yourself the key to growing your business, and where exactly do we start?

 Click here for video Thanks so much for tuning in to the last mini-workshop video where both myself and special guest Gail Petrowsky shared that true deep self appreciation propels growth in our businesses. Gail shared a transformational homework exercise which I invited you to share over in the Ladies' Power Lunch Group. Today, we dive deeper. Why is taking care of yourself the key to growing your business and where exactly do we start? This is a practical show and so today we share several cool activities that you can implement to get off the bus to burnout and embrace the brilliance that your life and business can be. Today we share the stories of past clients who are just like you and me, and who have seen amazing transformations from implementing these simple techniques. At the end of our previous video we asked for feedback and we truly appreciate all your responses. Thank you. Some of our viewers from video 1 in this 4 video series noted that while they desire to focus o

Have we been approaching growing our businesses all wrong?

Click for video  I n our efforts to grow our businesses, climb the corporate ladder or build life changing not for profit organizations, very often we may feel as though the results from our efforts are not in direct correlation the the amount o effort we put in. Sometimes it seems as though we struggle with increasing our income impact reach and time freedom in a somewhat unexpected way. How do you grow our business smarter? Is there a better and surprisingly easier way? What is it and why should it mater to you no matter what area your vocation falls in? Today's guest says the answer is not what you think. She says that it is true that climbing the corporate ladder and/or growing a bigger better business, expanding reach and income at first glance seem to require certain business related skills. She points out however that there is something else at the core of every successful woman in business. Tune in as best selling author, therapist retreat leader and coach with over 30

Today is the LPL Monthly Networking Meeting. Click the link below to join

   Retreat Info: Click HERE CLICK HERE For:  LPL Monthly Networking Meeting Hi Business Besties,  Please join us today for our LPL Monthly Networking Meeting TODAY Every month we: Share who you are and what you do: Let everyone know about your business Join in on the monthly member match: Maybe you will find your next collaboration partner! Create more Balance, Boundaries, Beauty and Brilliance as today's expert workshop presenter facilitates a transformational selflove session. And don't forget: We have officially opened up registration for Live Your Optimal Life Transformational Destination Cruise Retreat. Growsmarternotharder.Com/retreat   Best regards, DrDavia and LYOL Retreat Team P .S. Remember . . . you don’t need to panic. We don’t expect to sell out immediately. However, if you want one of the six remaining spots at our LIVE YOUR OPTIMAL LIFE self appreciation destination cruise retreat, then please don’t delay. They’re going to go fast. Here’s the link: CLICK HERE gr

Happy Selflove Day ... and also can you do ME a favor?

Happy Galentine’s Day Dr. Davia here, Wishing you a lifetime filled with SELFLOVE! We’ll be sending your zoom info to join in on the next Ladies Power Lunch monthly networking meeting in just a little bit, so keep a look out for the email.  But first I need to ask you a favor please 🙏🏿  I’m excited to share that we are close to wrapping up planning for our long-awaited next Ladies Power Lunch Retreat!  I’m looking forward to sharing the details with you in March.  But before we do, I would love your feedback to help us plan the best retreat that will be most  impactful and beneficial for you.  Can you help us out? Please click on the link below to answer a few questions, it absolutely won’t take long to complete. Thank you in advance for your input. I truly appreciate it! You can answer the questions here (and get a little more detail on the retreat and stuff) at this link: . Thanks and best regards,  Davia PS: We are back! Coming Soon....

How to transform your 2024 GOAL to DONE?

  Happy New Year, I know you have received so many new year wishes and given so many that by now it may seem almost reflexive. I want to let you know though that this wish from me is not just a platitude. It’s truly deeply heartfelt. I wish that the new year will bring you every perfect gift. Further, I wish that  if transforming one big thing would make a huge difference for you, I wish for you that you are able to transform that thing this year for the better. I’ve given this a lot of thought and here's what I've come to realize: every new year, every new quarter, every new month, day or even every moment, we have an opportunity. We have a chance to do one thing, make one decision, move in one direction that changes everything. Or we can keep doing things the same way we have always done it, and keep getting the same results. The truth is, I’m not one for new year resolutions. They might work well for others but they do not seem to be well suited for the type of human that